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A very good level edition


Hervé de Kergrohen, who is the organizer of the Biodata salon, he was satisfied with the biotechnology projet, during this two days, he has met well with the investors and the boss of the companies.He said that the level is high for all the participants this year, in the plan of the organization, the presentation have succeeded without dead time, and during the presentation, there was a few themes such as Alzheimer's disease or oncology disease. “many diseases are not sufficiently treatable, some innovations are just the evolutions and some are undoubtedly the revolutions”said the Hervé de Kergrohen. For the treatment of major diseases

Some local examples are exciting.According to Archamps, the Cerma company introduced the “fruit research”, which can help to cure the hepatic carcinoma without the surgery.It advocates for cancer treatment, but no toxic side effects. Another revolution was represented by labo d’Archamps, Geneuro(a branch of “Bio Merieux”), which is developing a medicine to treat multiple sclerosis.It put forward that some diseases are caused by internal virus which present inherently in the human genome. The participants came from France, Suisse, the United States and India. As investors, they are very concerned about the investment risk, therefore they need a range of low-risk society and they really need the revolutionist, they could not put all their eggs in one basket. In the choice of transferring of the Geneva salon in Archamps, Hervé de Kergrohen was not dissatisfied:“for logistics, the site of Archamps is superior to a conventional hotel site, with a higher professionalism, people were happy to be here to work together”. And for the business achieved? “It’s difficult to say, we are the mediator, essentially, the link is done”.